User Guide


A) Add Task

To add tasks to list

  1. Todo

     Add a task with description
  2. Deadline

     Add a task with description and date
  3. Event

     Add a task with description, date and time

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

I have added this task for you {task}

Delete Task

To delete tasks in the list


Delete a task by its given index

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected Outcome:

I have deleted this task for you: {task}

Find Task

Find all tasks with matching keyword given


Example of usage:

find math

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks: 1. {task1} 2. {tasks2}

Finish Task

To mark task as finished


Mark the task at the given index as done with a tick

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

I have marked this task as done: {task1 [✓] }

View Schedule

To view the task on the given date


The bot will filter and show the list of task with the given date

Example of usage:

view 2020-09-30

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks on 30th September 2020: {task1}

Edit Task

To modify task description


The bot will retrieve the task at the given index and edit the description

Example of usage:

edit 1 English

Expected outcome:

I have changed the description for you: {newTaskName}

B) Exit Emily Bot

To exit the application


The program will close

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Program will close